KVM Extender User Station &
Cat.5 KVM Extender
User Manual
LINDY No. 32357, 32358, 32359
LINDY No. 39356, 39357
Tested to Comply with
FCC Standards
For Commercial Use Only!
English Manual
Computer Access Modules (CAMs)
There are five different formats, depending on the required computer connections. It is possible
to combine USB user Stations with PS/2 CAMs and PS/2 User Stations with USB CAMs. If
CAMs are used in combination with the MC5/-IP KVM Switches a dedicated video
compensation should be used for each CAM that uses a CAT.5 cable longer than 10m. These
settings are stored in the KVM Switch – for details please refer to the KVM Switch manual.
PS/2-style, Part number: 39351
Connectors: VGA HD15 analog video, PS/2-style keyboard and PS/2-style mouse.
PS/2-style with audio, Part number: 39353
Connectors: VGA HD15 analog video, PS/2-style keyboard, PS/2-style mouse and 3.5mm audio
USB, Part number: 39352
Connectors: VGA HD15 analog video and USB keyboard/mouse.
USB with audio, Part number: 39354
Connectors: VGA HD15 analog video, USB keyboard/mouse and 3.5mm audio jack.
Sun with audio, Part number: 39355
Connectors: VGA HD15 analog video, Sun keyboard/mouse and 3.5mm audio jack.
Remote user (via User Station)
A remote User Station can be placed at a maximum of 300 metres from the MC5 unit or from
the CAM module when used as a stand alone KVM Extender. It is connected via a suitable
category 5, 5e or 6 cable (with no crossover).
The USB User Stations 39356 and 39357 provide a second Cat.5 port to connect either a
second remote KVM Switch or a local computer (also connected by a CAM). To switch between
the Cat.5 output ports 1 and 2 simultaneously press the hotkey combination CTRL and SHIFT
followed by 0, 1 or 2 for the appropriate channel (0 disconnects from both ports). This hotkey
can be changed to ALT & SHIFT or CTRL & ALT by DIP switches (see section Installation).
The USB User Stations also provide the option to set a password and lock the User Station.
Cable lengths for installation with a KVM Switch
In situations where a computer system will be placed at a significant distance from the MC5
KVM unit, the total distance between any remote user and any CAM may not be greater than
300 metres (980 feet).
English Manual
To connect a remote user
1 Place a User Station extender unit adjacent to
the remote user location.
2 Attach the video monitor, keyboard, mouse,
power adapter (and speaker) connectors to the
sockets of the User Station module.
3 Lay a suitable length of category 5, 5e or 6 cabling
between the User Station module and the MC5
or CAM. Please refer to the section Cable lengths
for remote user locations opposite.
4 Attach the connector of the cable run to the socket
of the User Station. The USB User Stations 39356
and 39357 provide a second Cat.5 port to connect
either a second remote KVM Switch or a local
computer (also connected by a CAM).
5 At the other end of the cable run, attach the cable
connector to one of the sockets labelled CAT.x
USER PORTS on the rear panel of the MC5 unit
or to a CAM when used as stand alone extender.
USB User Stations
LED indicators: RED LED: power present; Green port LED: port selected; Yellow port LED:
flashing: active data transfer / ON when linked to a CAM.
DIP Switch Configurations: Certain aspects of operation can be affected by the DIP switches
on the USB User Stations. Switch 1: OFF: Normal operation / ON: Flash Upgrade (switch
before Power is applied). Switches 2 and 3 determine which two keyboard keys are used:
2 OFF & 3 OFF Hotkeys = CTRL and SHIFT
2 OFF & 3 ON Hotkeys = ALT and SHIFT
Switch 4: reserved for future use.
2 ON & 3 OFF Hotkeys = CTRL and ALT
2 ON & 3 ON Hotkeys disabled
Where necessary, use the in-built video compensation feature of the User Station module to
eliminate any effects caused by the cable run. However, when used with the MC5 KVM Switch
series, ensure that the links between the computers and the MC5 have been compensated first.
See remote user video compensation in the KVM Switch manual for details.
Computer system (via CAM)
Each computer system is connected via a
Computer Access Module (CAM) and
standard category 5, 5e or 6 cabling, either
to a KVM Switch MC5 unit or directly to a
User Station when used as stand alone
KVM Extender. CAMs are available to suit
different computer system types and their
particular connector styles.
To connect a computer system
Connect the CAM connectors to the computer keyboard, mouse, video and audio ports. To
establish PS/2 connections, in most cases, a reboot of the computer is required, whereas USB,
VGA and Audio connections are hot pluggable.
English Manual
Selecting and using computers
To select a system using the keyboard:
Use the hotkey to switch between the two computer systems. In each case, you need to
simultaneously press the currently configured hotkeys (by default, CTRL and SHIFT) together
with the number of the required system 1 or 2.
To disconnect from both systems press the hotkeys followed by 0.
Locking and unlocking the system
In situations where the computer systems (and their local CAMs) can be locked away, the USB
User Station offers a security system to deter unauthorised use. Once a password has been set,
a simple key sequence allows each system to be quickly and securely detached from the
common peripherals. Only the correct password will reconnect the modules.
To lock the system
1. First set a password. For further details, please refer to the Password setting section.
2. Simultaneously press the currently configured hotkeys followed by L.
The screen will go blank and the three keyboard indicators will begin alternately flashing
between the ‘Num Lock’ and ‘Scroll Lock’, and ‘Caps Lock’. This sequence indicates that a
password is required. Additionally neither of the green indicators adjacent to the RJ45
connectors on the User Station will be lit.
To unlock the system
1. Enter the correct password and press RETURN.
Note 1: Passwords are NOT case sensitive.
Note 2: If an invalid password has been entered and the keyboard indicators are not flashing
as described above, press RETURN to clear the incorrect attempt.
2. If the correct password is entered, the screen will be restored and normal operation can
Password setting
Password protection allows you restrict access to the USB User Station.
To set a password
1. Simultaneously, press the hotkeys followed by RETURN to enter configuration mode.
2. Press P followed by RETURN.
3. Now enter your new password, within the following constraints:
• Passwords are NOT case sensitive,
• Passwords may be any length from one character to a maximum of forty characters,
• The following keys may NOT be used: CTRL, ALT, SHIFT or RETURN.
4. When you have entered the password, press RETURN to signal its completion.
5. Press RETURN once more to exit configuration mode.
To clear a password (and restore factory default settings)
1. Connect the User Station to a computer by one USB port only.
2. While power is applied, set the units upgrade switch SW1 to its ON position.
3. Remove power from the unit and then re-apply power.
4. Set the computer serial settings to the following: 19200, n, 8, 1
5. Using a terminal program, send “CLEAR<cr>” - in upper or lower case from the keyboard.
The User Station should respond with “OK”.
6. The password is now clear and all factory default settings restored.
English Manual
Video compensation
A User Station may be connected to a CAM by a maximum of 300m (980 feet). The MC5 units
allow computer systems to be placed up to 50m (160 feet) away and remote users to be
extended by a maximum of 300m (980 feet) including the largest distance between any CAM
and the MC5. Such long cable lengths can affect video signals, especially when higher screen
resolutions are used. In order to eliminate any video signal degradation, all MC5 units and
accompanying User Station modules provide effective software-based video compensation
Two main types of video compensation are provided within the MC5 installation, these are:
° Computer video
compensation - operates
on video signals
between each computer
system and the MC5
unit. See the manual of
the KVM Switch MC5 for
° Remote user video
compensation - operates
on video signals
between each remote
user(s) and the MC5 unit or between a User Station and a CAM. See Remote user video
compensation for details.
° A third type of video compensation is provided by the advanced video 300m User Station
extender modules only. This type of compensation is called Skew adjustment and combats
the effect of uneven twisted pairs within link cables. See Remote user skew adjustment for
Remote user video compensation
Video compensation for each remote user is provided by the User Station modules. Using the
User Station controls you can adjust the picture sharpness and brightness to improve the
remote picture quality.
Note: Accurate remote user compensation relies upon visual feedback from the screen image. It
is therefore vital to ensure that the video images being transmitted are as ‘true’ as possible.
Video compensation is best carried out when viewing high contrast images with vertical edges,
such as black lines on a white background. When doing so, if you notice that the screen image
is ‘fuzzy’ or ‘dark’ then the image controls may not be able to solve this condition.
Note: If the high contrast images exhibit shadows with separate colours, then there may be a
skew problem introduced by the Cat.5 connection cable. Due to the different length of the
twisted pairs in any Cat.5 cable different propagation delays for the Red, Green and Blue video
colour signals are introduced which requires a different image adjustment (provided only by
advanced video 300m User Station C5 Pro and USB 300m modules) or the uses of a separate
Skew Compensator (LINDY part no. 39389) - see the Remote user skew adjustment section for
English Manual
To display a suitable high contrast image
The best way to clearly view the effect of sharpness
and brightness adjustments is to display a high
contrast image, with vertical edges, on the screen.
• Open a word processor, type the capital letter
‘H’, or ‘M’ and increase the point size to 72 or
higher. For best results, the background should
be white and the character should be black.
• A BLACK shadow on the right of the character
indicates UNDER compensation.
• A WHITE shadow on the right of the character
indicates OVER compensation.
Note: The Word processor method is accurate and
quick. However, for the very finest video
compensation, use the latest “skew” test pattern
program which shows both the skew pattern and a section of mixed size Hs (black on white and
white on black).
If the image controls cannot provide a crisp image
If, after adjusting the image controls, one or more screen images remain fuzzy or have coloured
shadows you may need to use the Skew adjustment feature. Please see Remote user skew
adjustment for details (User Station C5 Pro module only).
To apply remote user video compensation
1. When used with a KVM Switch MC5 first ensure that the video image from the computer to
the KVM Switch has been correctly compensated.
2. On the remote user keyboard (connected to a User Station
extender), simultaneously, press the hotkeys (by default, <CTRL>
and <SHIFT>) along with <RETURN> to enter configuration
The three keyboard indicators (‘Num Lock’, ‘Caps Lock’ and
‘Scroll Lock’) will now begin to flash in sequence. The speed of
the sequence indicates the level of the sharpness adjustment currently applied: the slower
the rate, the lower the level of sharpness being applied.
3. While viewing the displayed screen image, use the following keys to adjust the controls:
Sharpness: To autoset sharpness: Press
F and 2 and <RETURN> to make the
module calculate and apply an automatic
compensation level - you can use this as a
starting point for your fine tuning.
↑ and ↓ for fine adjustment, <PAGE UP>
and <PAGE DOWN> for coarse
adjustment. There are 255 sharpness
levels (one coarse step jumps 10 levels).
Note: If the monitor goes blank and
switches off (due to oversetting the
sharpness adjustment) press the Home key
to restore.
4. Brightness: ← and → for adjustment. There are 255 brightness levels.
English Manual
5. When no shadows are visible and the displayed images have crisp edges, press
<RETURN> to exit configuration mode and permanently save all settings.
The new compensation settings will be stored, even when power is removed or if a complete
reset is initiated. These settings should not require further changes unless the cabling
arrangements are altered.
Remote user skew adjustment
The category 5, 5e and 6 cabling consists of four pairs of
wires per cable. Three of these pairs are used to convey
red, green and blue video signals to the remote video
monitor. Due to the slight difference in twist rate between
these three pairs, the red, green and blue video signals may
not arrive at precisely the same time. This is visible as
separate colour shadows on high contrast screen images
and is particularly apparent when using higher screen
To alleviate this situation, the User Station C5 Pro and USB
300m modules provide internal skew adjustment that can
help to rectify the situation. The skew adjustment works by
delaying or advancing the timing of any of the red, green or blue colour signals so that they are
all delivered to the monitor at precisely the same time. For best results, the “skew” program
supplied on the disk is the most accurate way of setting skew as the red, green and blue lines
are rendered exactly on the screen as single pixel wide lines. The skew.bmp test pattern can
also be used but it is less accurate. Alternatively, you can create your own skew pattern using a
standard image creation package, as detailed below.
To use skew adjustment
1. Display a skew pattern on the appropriate computer. You can either use the supplied skew
pattern or create your own:
Using the supplied skew pattern
a. Insert the supplied Installation CD-ROM into the CD player
of the computer.
b. Within Windows, use the My Computer option (usually
available as a desktop icon or within the Start menu) to
view the contents of the CD-ROM. Double-click the Skew
entry to display the standard test pattern. If necessary,
maximise the application window so that the image fills the
The screen will show a series of fine red, green and blue crosses which should all be in
line, vertically and horizontally. Skew affects the horizontal placement of the colours and
using this pattern it is much easier to discover which, if any, colours are being adversely
affected by the cable link.
Creating a skew test pattern
a. Run any image creation/editing application, such as the
Paint program supplied with Windows.
b. Using the image application create three stacked horizontal
rectangles (one red, one green and one blue) that fill the
width of the screen.
c. Draw a vertical black line down across the coloured bars and
then repeat this vertical line at intervals along the width of the coloured bars. These lines
English Manual
create breaks across the colours and give you more opportunities to view the horizontal
position of each colour relative to the others.
2. On the remote user keyboard (connected to a User Station C5
Pro or C5 USB 300), simultaneously, press the hotkeys (by
default, <CTRL> and <SHIFT>) along with <RETURN> to enter
configuration mode.
The three keyboard indicators (‘Num Lock’, ‘Caps Lock’ and
‘Scroll Lock’) will now begin to flash in sequence.
3. As appropriate, press
either the R, G or B
keyboard keys to select
the appropriate colour
channel. Corresponding
keyboard indicators will
flash rapidly to show
which channel is
currently selected for
adjustment: Num Lock
for Red, Caps Lock for
Green and Scroll Lock
for Blue.
4. Press the ← and → keys to retard or advance the timing of the selected colour channel
respectively. On screen you will see a change in the position of the selected colour crosses
(or colour bars) in relation to the other two.
5. When the selected colour
crosses (or colour bars) are
correctly positioned, press
to exit that colour channel.
The keyboard indicators will
return to flashing in
6. If required, repeat steps 3 to
5 to select and adjust any
colour channel until the
vertical lines of the red,
green and blue crosses are
all aligned.
7. When all colours are
correctly aligned on all video channels, press to exit configuration mode and permanently
save all settings.
Note: Once you have made the skew adjustments, it may be necessary to re-adjust the image
controls to attain optimum screen images.
Radio Frequency Energy, Certifications
Shielded cables must be used with this equipment to maintain compliance with radio frequency energy
emission regulations and ensure a suitably high level of immunity to electromagnetic disturbances.
FCC Warning
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B Digital device, pursuant to part 15
of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does
cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected
Consult the dealer or an experienced technician for help
You are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance
could void your authority to operate the equipment.
CE Statement, EMC Compatibility
This device complies with EN Standards EN55022 and EN55024 according to the relevant EC EMC Directive. It
must be used with shielded cables only to maintain EMC compatibility.
Dieses Produkt entspricht den einschlägigen EMV Richtlinien der EU und darf nur zusammen mit abgeschirmten
Kabeln verwendet werden.
LINDY Herstellergarantie
LINDY gewährt für dieses Produkt über die gesetzliche Regelung hinaus eine zweijährige Hersteller-
garantie ab Kaufdatum. Die detaillierten Bedingungen dieser Garantie finden Sie auf der LINDY Website
aufgelistet bei den AGBs.
WEEE (Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment),
Recycling of Electronic Products
In 2006 the European Union introduced regulations (WEEE) for the collection and recycling of all waste electrical
and electronic equipment. The wheelie bin symbol shown indicates that this product must not be disposed of with
household waste. Instead the product must be recycled in a manner that is environmentally friendly. For more
information on how to dispose of this product, please contact your local recycling centre or your household waste
disposal service. Each individual EU member state has implemented the WEEE regulations into national law in
slightly different ways. Please follow your national law when you want to dispose of any electrical or electronic
Germany / Deutschland
Die Europäische Union hat mit der WEEE Direktive umfassende Regelungen für die Verschrottung und das
Recycling von Elektro- und Elektronikprodukten geschaffen. Diese wurden von der Bundesregierung im Elektro-
und Elektronikgerätegesetz – ElektroG in deutsches Recht umgesetzt. Dieses Gesetz verbietet vom 24.März 2006
an das Entsorgen von Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten über die Hausmülltonne! Diese Geräte müssen den lokalen
Sammelsystemen bzw. örtlichen Sammelstellen zugeführt werden! Dort werden sie kostenlos entgegen
genommen. Die Kosten für den weiteren Recyclingprozess übernimmt die Gesamtheit der Gerätehersteller.
B2B Geräte wie 19“ KVM Switches und ihr Zubehör nimmt der Hersteller LINDY kostenlos zurück und führt sie
sodann auf LINDYs Kosten dem geregelten Recyclingprozess zu.
Tested to Comply with
FCC Standards
For Commercial Use Only!
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